At THE CURVED MOLDING SHOP our curved moldings can be produced using any domestic lumber or any exotic lumber. Here are some of our most requested wood types.
1. The best paper to use is lightweight brown kraft paper.
2. Stretch your paper across your opening and tack it in place so it will not move. With a small block of
wood press along the inside edge of your jamb
3. Turn a crayon sideways and trace along the inside edge of the jamb the same as you did with the block of
wood. Keep this line as thin as possible. This should give us a visible line to work from. We will leave a
1/8 inch reveal to the outside of this line unless you instruct us otherwise.
4. On your template please give us the following information.
1. Name and Phone Number (we will only call if we have any questions)
2. Profile Number
3. Wood Species